Safety Policy


Pharma-Deko Plc is a reputable Pharmaceutical/Consumer Manufacturing company, with over 50 years history in the manufacturing and marketing of Pharmaceutical and healthcare Consumer products.

The maintenance of a safe and healthy work environment is of the utmost importance for the successful operation of Pharma-Deko Plc business.

As a company, we are committed to conducting our operations safely and to prevent loss or injury, to employees, customers, contractors, and all who may be affected by our activities and products, damage to property or interruption of business process.

Safety is considered fundamental to the design and operation of process and facilities in Pharma-Deko.

We commit:

1. To the provision and maintenance of safe plant and systems of working and ensuring the safe use of articles and substances at work for our employees, contractors, customers and other service providers
2. Providing adequate information and training for safe and effective working for all employees.
3. Providing facilities for appointing safety representatives and a committee to provide a forum for consultation, communication and active co-operation.
4. Trained and motivate employees to assume responsibility for their own safety, the safety of their co-workers, visitors, suppliers, contractors and the general public who come in contact with our operation and the prevention of loss to company property
5. To conduct our operations in compliance with all relevant and local laws.
6. Employing recognized management tools in constructive and effective programmes which will identify and control hazards to life and property and comply with regulatory requirements
7. Measure, audit and report our environmental and safety performance, while maintaining open dialogue with stakeholder groups, as required.
8. Set clear targets for continual improvement and monitor them to ensure they are met.
9. Review and update this policy regularly.

The continued cooperation of all employees and visitors is essential to support and sustain our safety programme and to meet our Creed commitments.

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