Professor Herbert A. B. Coker is a Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry in the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos. He joined the then School of Pharmacy on 17th December 1984 as Lecturer I and rose through the ranks to the post of Professor in October 1994. Professor Coker teaches Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses as well as conducting research in Medicinal Chemistry, Clinical Pharmacology of Drugs, Natural Products Sciences, Drug Design and Development, Pharmaceuticals & Food Quality Assurance, Environmental Concerns and Clinical Pharmacy.
Professor Coker has published quite a number of research works and professional opinions, in International (offshore) and National (onshore) Journals. He also renders professional services to the Federal Government of Nigeria and Lagos State Government, as well as to foreign establishments in China, Indonesia, and India.
He is a member of numerous professional bodies and possesses about 30 years experience in Pharmacy and health-related matters. Professor Coker had his early education at LadiLak Institute, Yaba (under the watchful eyes of the late Mrs. Rita Akaje-Macaulay; nee Hamilton), Lagos Baptist Academy, lbadan Grammar School, Ahmadu Bello University and the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, United Kingdom. He has recently been appointed to the Board of Directors of Pharma Deko to assist with Product Quality Assurance, Pharmaceutical Technology and New Products Development amongst many other health related issues.